Tomorrow sees the return of the regular Vworp! Dr Who Day at Manchester's Lass O'Gowrie pub. All day in a pub with guests from the world of Doctor Who! What more can one ask for?! Here's the info from Mein Host, Gareth Kavanagh:
Yes, it's that time of year again and I'm thrilled to announce we're back for our third annual pubcon at the Lass O'Gowrie.Taking place on Sunday, July 18th as part of our inaugural fringe festival in the Lass (Lassfest), our theme this year is 'six of the best'. Essentially a take on Desert Island Discs, our assembled guests will take us on a journey through their six favourite things about their time of Doctor Who - beit a person, a character, a scene - whatever they fancy really. As it's us, you can bet we'll be using all the technology at our disposal and with our good pals at Kasterborous will be streaming and harvesting questions via twitter to boot.
Guests include the following (subject to professional commitments, *natch);
MC John Cooper
Terrance Dicks (writer, legend novelist who taught most of us to read)*
Andrew Cartmel (script editor and mastermind behind the McCoy revival)*
Graeme Harper (only the greatest Director of Who ever)*
Dez Skinn (Founding editor of our beloved Doctor Who Magazine)*
Rob Shearman (Genius behind Dalek, Chimes of Midnight and fan scholar)*
Chris Achilleos (Master of the early target novel covers, this man IS art)*
Ade Salmon (Artist's artist, illustrator of the Time Team and Cybermen)
And more in the pipeline, so keep 'em peeled!
Other treats include the debut of John Cooper's One Man Doctor Who and after show entertainment with the superb WART Show - award winning character comedy!Naturally, our fine pies and ale will be available throughout the day and with only 50 tickets being made available, the relaxed atmosphere you've all come to know and love will be retained, no fear.
Tickets cost a bargainous £19.50 a head and are available ONLY from www.wegottickets.com/event/83302 .
More info on us, as ever can be found at www.thelass.co.uk or in our cosy little thread on Gallifrey Base - http://gallifreybase.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53670
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