Tonight on BBC1
Blimey, Mark Gatiss, you ARE a naughty chap!!! 'Victory Of The Daleks' was, as usual for new Who, way too turbo-charged and with music threatening to deafen everyone far more seriously than any air raid sirens, BUT... it just makes me look forward to watching it all again. Matt Smith continues to be an inspired choice for The Doctor, and his performance is very reminiscent of the under-rated (in the public eye, methinks) Peter Davison. Much more nuanced and low key than David Tennant, and therefore much more intriguing (and very Troughtonesque). Tennant's hearts were on his sleeve(s), whereas Mr Smith holds much more back.
Ian McNeice made a splendid, twinkly Churchill, and Karen Gillan had the best line with "Oy! Churchill!" The new super-duper, oooh look at ME! Daleks were just the shot in the arm the old squidy ones needed, and the kids will love 'em. And Spitfires in space!!
"Broadsword to Danny Boy!" (Nice one, Mark. Like it, like it!)
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